Abbeycraig Road

Contract Details



Lochfield Park Housing Association

Project Value

Project Value





Contract Details



Lochfield Park Housing Association

Project Value

Project Value





Abbeycraig Road

Lochfied Park Housing Association’s Abbeycraig Road Phase 10 development is situated on the brownfield site of a former primary school and flatted development, demolished and cleared circa 2009, in the Easterhouse area of Glasgow. The Seven Lochs Wetland Park trail is located along the eastern boundary, with consideration taken to upgrade and incorporate the existing gravel path into the new development by means of footpaths and circulation spaces throughout a large, landscaped amenity space which borders the housing scheme.

The new development consists of 84 residential units comprising of a combination of low rise two storey residential terraced blocks and cottage flats over an area of 3.6 hectares.

The site has several major constraints with regards realizing new housing, inclusive of large capacity sewers with 12m wayleaves located along the length of the southern and eastern boundaries, large quantities of peat at minimum depth to the north/east of the site, an existing public right of way which bisects the site, and additional environmental constraints enforced by key neighbouring stakeholders of the Seven Lochs Wetland Park.

The SUDs strategy, as prepared by G3, is inclusive of swales, rain gardens, porous parking courts/bays and buried attenuation tanks which all act to treat and attenuate large quantities of surface water prior to discharging into the existing sewerage network.

G3 worked with the design team to develop a timber frame structural solution for all housing and cottage flats on a mixture of traditional trench fill and piled foundations to accommodate the challenging proposed ground levels of which the development was subject to meet the overall architectural vision

Services Undertaken:

Civil Engineering / Structural Engineering / Geo-Environmental / Principal Designer

Abbeycraig Road

Lochfied Park Housing Association’s Abbeycraig Road Phase 10 development is situated on the brownfield site of a former primary school and flatted development, demolished and cleared circa 2009, in the Easterhouse area of Glasgow. The Seven Lochs Wetland Park trail is located along the eastern boundary, with consideration taken to upgrade and incorporate the existing gravel path into the new development by means of footpaths and circulation spaces throughout a large, landscaped amenity space which borders the housing scheme.

The new development consists of 84 residential units comprising of a combination of low rise two storey residential terraced blocks and cottage flats over an area of 3.6 hectares.

The site has several major constraints with regards realizing new housing, inclusive of large capacity sewers with 12m wayleaves located along the length of the southern and eastern boundaries, large quantities of peat at minimum depth to the north/east of the site, an existing public right of way which bisects the site, and additional environmental constraints enforced by key neighbouring stakeholders of the Seven Lochs Wetland Park.

The SUDs strategy, as prepared by G3, is inclusive of swales, rain gardens, porous parking courts/bays and buried attenuation tanks which all act to treat and attenuate large quantities of surface water prior to discharging into the existing sewerage network.

G3 worked with the design team to develop a timber frame structural solution for all housing and cottage flats on a mixture of traditional trench fill and piled foundations to accommodate the challenging proposed ground levels of which the development was subject to meet the overall architectural vision

Services Undertaken:

Civil Engineering / Structural Engineering / Geo-Environmental / Principal Designer