Contract Details
Contract Details
Project Value
DalmarnockDalmarnock Riverside
This project involved the development of a total of 550 units for a mix of social and private housing on the banks of the River Clyde. The overall property mix includes low rise housing, four storey flats and a total of 6 eight storey flatted blocks forming a dramatic riverside frontage.
This landmark development occupies the site of the former Dalmarnock power station, and this resulted in a number of engineering and environmental challenges during redevelopment, not least that the site had been remediated previously and these measures had to be reinstated following development. This presented material management constraints that had to be addressed in conjunction with the project clients and contractor. In addition, changes to contaminated land legislation and guidance meant that the existing measures required updating and reapproval from the Regulator before development could commence.
Substantial buried structures associated with the power station remained across the site following the enabling works remediation, and the piled foundation solution was designed to work around these, avoiding the need for removal and off-site disposal. In addition, a Flood Risk Assessment carried out for the site identified issues with flooding, and the site levels had to be raised to mitigate this risk.
Services Undertaken:
Civil Engineering / Structural Engineering / Geo-Environmental / PD Services