Lennoxtown Community Hub

Contract Details




Project Value

Project Value





Contract Details




Project Value

Project Value





Lennoxtown Community Hub

This important community hub acts as the main locus for public services within Lennoxtown, housing the library, local housing office, an NHS clinic with dental practice and GP consulting rooms, and ancillary community services. The development is situated on the main road through Lennoxtown and, with its innovative design and landscaped entrance, it creates a visually impressive focal point for the town. The challenging site levels were managed in the overall site design by stepping the building down the slope whereby the building is 2 storeys to the front and 3 storeys to the rear. The basement level created to the rear was used to house the biomass boiler with the chimney for the boiler given prominence within the design, adding to the buildings eye catching and distinctive appearance. There was also an existing retaining wall running along the edge of the site which retained the adopted footway and associated service. As part of the design, it was decided that this should be left in place to maintain the stability of the footway, allowing it to remain open during the works and also avoid the need for costly service diversions.

Services Undertaken:
Civil Engineering / Structural Engineering / Geo-Environmental

Lennoxtown Community Hub

This important community hub acts as the main locus for public services within Lennoxtown, housing the library, local housing office, an NHS clinic with dental practice and GP consulting rooms, and ancillary community services. The development is situated on the main road through Lennoxtown and, with its innovative design and landscaped entrance, it creates a visually impressive focal point for the town. The challenging site levels were managed in the overall site design by stepping the building down the slope whereby the building is 2 storeys to the front and 3 storeys to the rear. The basement level created to the rear was used to house the biomass boiler with the chimney for the boiler given prominence within the design, adding to the buildings eye catching and distinctive appearance. There was also an existing retaining wall running along the edge of the site which retained the adopted footway and associated service. As part of the design, it was decided that this should be left in place to maintain the stability of the footway, allowing it to remain open during the works and also avoid the need for costly service diversions.

Services Undertaken:
Civil Engineering / Structural Engineering / Geo-Environmental